How He Makes $3.2 Million/Year In His 20s

Last updated: Jul 30, 2023

The video is about a 24-year-old entrepreneur named Sebastian Giorgio who has made millions of dollars online and has one of the biggest channels on YouTube about entrepreneurship, and the video follows him for a day to learn how he achieved his success.

This video by Jordan Welch was published on Mar 6, 2023.
Video length: 08:18.

The video is about a 24-year-old entrepreneur named Sebastian Giorgio who has made millions of dollars online and has one of the biggest channels on YouTube about entrepreneurship.

The video follows Sebastian as he shares his journey and discusses how he makes money through his marketing agency, YouTube channel, real estate, and an AI SAS company. He talks about his success in dropshipping and the importance of believing in the possibilities of making money online.

The video also showcases Sebastian's luxurious lifestyle, including his collection of cars and his ongoing project of building a three million dollar house.

  • Sebastian Giorgio is a 24-year-old entrepreneur who has made millions of dollars online and has a popular YouTube channel about entrepreneurship.
  • Sebastian earns around $3.2 million per year through his marketing agency, YouTube channel, real estate, and an AI SAS company.
  • Sebastian started his journey to entrepreneurship at 18 years old, making videos on YouTube after finding success with Drop Shipping.
  • Sebastian is building a house from scratch in an exclusive neighborhood in Arizona, estimated to cost around $1.4-1.5 million.
  • Sebastian emphasizes the importance of not having a plan B and being fully committed to success.

How He Makes $3.2 Million/Year In His 20s - YouTube

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  • Meeting Sebastian Giorgio, a 24-year-old entrepreneur who has made millions of dollars online and has a popular YouTube channel about entrepreneurship.
  • Spending a day with Sebastian to learn about his success.
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Sebastian's Income and Spending

  • Sebastian makes money through his marketing agency for Google ads, YouTube channel, real estate, and an AI SAS company.
  • He earns around $3.2 million per year.
  • His biggest month in earnings was October 2022, where he made $1.8 million in profit.
  • Sebastian spends his money mostly on cars, including an Urus, R8, truck, and Porsche.
  • He also bought a Honda to stay humble.
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Sebastian's Journey to Entrepreneurship

  • Sebastian started making videos on YouTube at 18 years old, after finding success with Drop Shipping.
  • He started filming videos in his mom's living room and has since upgraded to a dedicated office space.
  • Sebastian didn't have much money saved up when he started Drop Shipping, maybe less than $1,000.
  • He worked hard, staying up late and working on his business after his regular job.
  • Sebastian emphasizes the importance of not having a plan B and being fully committed to success.
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How He Makes $3.2 Million/Year In His 20s - YouTube

Building a Million-Dollar House

  • Sebastian is building a house from scratch in an exclusive neighborhood in Arizona.
  • The house is estimated to cost around $1.4-1.5 million.
  • He initially planned to live in the house but is now considering renting it out.
  • Sebastian grew up in a small house, less than 1,000 square feet, and has come a long way.
  • He shares his journey from humble beginnings to building a million-dollar house.
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Section 1: Sebastian's Background and Upbringing

  • Sebastian grew up with a single mom and they didn't have a lot of money.
  • His mom was always working to barely make enough to provide for them.
  • There were times when they struggled to put food on the table and pay the bills.
  • Despite the tough upbringing, Sebastian feels that it made him stronger.
  • He has become hardened and is able to handle any challenges that come his way.
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Section 2: Sebastian's Beliefs and Goals

  • Sebastian believes that most men are not successful because of limiting beliefs and giving up too soon.
  • He thinks that the person who never gives up will always win.
  • Sebastian grew up religious but found his own connection with God when he was 17.
  • He attributes a lot of his success to his relationship with God.
  • Sebastian wants to help as many people as possible experience the same feeling of success and fulfillment that he has.

Watch the video on YouTube:
How He Makes $3.2 Million/Year In His 20s - YouTube

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